+1 (919) 747-9351
CLASS OF 2017 (Begins Aug 15)
STEP 1: Contact Information
STEP 2: Shipping Details
We collect your address so that we can send your FREE signed copy of my book "Hot Pursuit". You're receiving this book because your an extraordinary individual! (And because you're taking action today)
STEP 3: Payment Information
Order Summary
Dynamically Updated
Plus when you complete your order today, you'll receive all of my limited time bonuses for a total value of $6,115. 
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Need Help?

The fastest way to get your questions answered is to shoot my Hot Pursuit support team a quick email at: 


Here's What You Get When You Join:
  • An Escape Plan From Your 9 to 5 - A step-by-step blueprint delivered over 7 weeks as a virtual master class.
  • A Road Map To Finding Your Purpose Filled Work - Uncover your divine purpose, your unique vision, and set the necessary goals to fully live into your purpose every day of your life.
  • A Breakthrough For Your Barriers - Develop commitment, courage, confidence and overcome all 5 of barriers that stand between you and your dream.
  • The Antidote For Your Fears - Extinguish the self-limiting fears that are holding you back from living into your highest purpose, and navigate through your darkest days of self-doubt.
  • A Community Of Support - You’ll always be surrounded by a community with the RIGHT kind of support (that comes from a place of love, respect, vitality, and FUN).
Total Value of Hot Pursuit Master Class: 
$2,997 Plus...
  • Weekly LIVE Coaching & Mentorship Calls With Me - You'll have access to me and a small group of peers during a private group call once weekly for 9 weeks to ensure you're on target to living your dream. (Value: $1,997)
  • NEW HPMC Accountability Mobile App - A brand new creation for the Hot Pursuit community to ensure that you're on target every week to live your dream (I'll be giving away prizes for app engagement). (Value: $597)
  • Signed Copy Of My Book: "Hot Pursuit" - I'll send you a signed copy of my recent book "Hot Pursuit", where I share my personal story of my escape from my 9 to 5 to living a purpose filled life! (Value: $27)
  • Lifetime access to the Hot Pursuit private Facebook group - This group is an exclusive support community reserved for individuals who are taking Hot Pursuit Master Class with you. (Value: $497)